Friday 18 April 2014


About John Shabani - African Volunteer

John Shabani ( Graduated at  INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY and CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP UNIVERSITY) is a Tanzanian Gospel singer, song writer, Evangelist and Vocal trainer of Christian worship music.

John has been in the gospel singing ministry for a long time; currently. Besides, He’s a cofounder of the Tanzania Gospel Music Association (CHAMUITA in Swahili) and has been leading different gospel music groups here in Tanzania. On top of that, He has a burden of visiting refugees in their camps whenever resources allow together with the service of helping street Children, orphans and other disadvantaged groups.

This is my vision, this is my call, It’s something I have now become very passionate about and would like to do all I can to help. To bring hope to the Orphans, street children, widows and disadvantages people.
What u do making someone rejoicing?
Let us join together to bring hope..